Entry #5 - An Educated Population?
While Doug
Duecy and I disagree on A LOT, I think it's safe to say that I believe he is right in stating that there are far more positive outcomes to an educated population, than the inverse. World, it is so lovely to be writing to you once again, behind the comfort of my computer screen. Today we will be discussing Governor Doug Duecy’s thoughts on “raising the bar” on education and setting in motion a plan to have 60% of Arizonians with a college degree.
As fellow college students I think many of us will agree that a degree in whatever field it may be is very beneficial to anyone pursuing a career. It seems like more and more degrees are becoming the bare minimum (aside from 18 years of experience) to land jobs in the ever increasingly competitive job market. Governor Duecy makes claims that with a more educated population there will be a higher employed percentage of individuals therefore meaning taxes will get paid to a higher degree ultimately leading to a community that is lacking resources less and less. While I can agree with this statement, another part of me feels that this is a slippery slope that assumes every person getting a degree is getting one in a field that has high demand for workers. Not to say that an Art History degree is not worth it, but finding a job (especially in a recession… oops) would be a lot more difficult with that degree than with a degree in medicine or even engineering. Now, this is not to diminish the value of art degrees or other degrees that have a harder time finding work. But, it is simply to say that all degrees are not created equal. So while I agree that an educated society is a powerful society, I think that a lot of what Governor Ducey is stating can be argued against.
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